Since our inception in 1976, Chizai Corporation has established itself as the leading company in patent translation. Our services don't stop at translating words though - we add real value.

Messages from our Leadership Team

Since our founding in 1976, our company has followed a path centered on intellectual property, connecting words and serving as a bridge for innovation.

The world of patent translation is a complex realm where language, technology, and law intersect. In this delicate world, we have pursued specialization and nurtured talent, supporting companies' global intellectual property activities and contributing to societal development.

As we ride the waves of a new era, the evolution of AI technology may bring significant changes to our business, but our beliefs remain unchanged. With the power of words, we will continue to connect people and businesses around the world and create new value.

Chizai Corporation transcends the boundaries of translation to remain a strong partner for your business. This is the beginning of a new voyage. With a spirit of learning and challenge, Intellectual Property Corporation will continue to grow.

Akiko Kiyono, President
Akiko Kiyono,